june, 2018
09junAll Day1511th Annual Pediatric Pain Masterclass USA
Event Details
Presented by Children’s Institute for Pain and Palliative Care, Department of Pain Medicine, Palliative Care & Integrative Medicine, Children’s Hospitals and Clinic of Minnesota; June 9-15, 2018 in Minneapolis, MN Registration available soon: www.childrensMN.org/conferences Contact CIPPC@childrensMN.org if any
Event Details
Presented by Children’s Institute for Pain and Palliative Care, Department of Pain Medicine, Palliative Care & Integrative Medicine, Children’s Hospitals and Clinic of Minnesota; June 9-15, 2018 in Minneapolis, MN
Registration available soon: www.childrensMN.org/conferences
Contact CIPPC@childrensMN.org if any questions
The Pediatric Pain Master Class offers state of the art education in pain management for the pediatric patient from a holistic and interdisciplinary perspective. The program will cover pharmacological, medical,psychosocial and integrative therapies in the management of children’s acute, procedural, and complex/chronic pain. Pain assessment and management of somatic, visceral, neuropathic, psychosocial andspiritual pain as well as end-of-life management of pain and distressing symptoms will be explored in depth.
The master class is primarily designed for physicians and advanced practice nurses to develop their expertise in the field of pain management in a highly interactive seminar format. Other disciplines are of course welcome.
Two competitive scholarships will be awarded to physicians from low to moderate income countries working in the field of pediatric pain and/or palliative care. The two-week scholarship consists of a one-weekpracticum with the pain, palliative and integrative medicine team at Children’s and registration for the 9th annual Pediatric Pain Master Class. Application guidelines can be found on the registration site.
Course director: Stefan J. Friedrichsdorf, MD, FAAP, medical director, department of pain medicine, palliative care and integrative medicine, Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota
Course co-director: Kavita M. Desai, PhD, LP, psychologist, department of pain medicine, palliative care and integrative medicine, Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota
For more information about our program: https://www.childrensmn.org/painpalliativeintegrativemed
The 2018 Faculty includes:
KJS “Sunny” Anand, MBBS, Phil – Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
Charles Berde, MD, PhD – Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Christine Chambers, PhD, Psych – Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Julie Hauer, MD – Pediatric Neuro-Palliative Care Consultant, Newton, Massachusetts, USA
Leora Kuttner, PhD – British Columbia Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Melanie Noel, PhD – Alberta Children’s Hospital, Calgary, AB, Canada
Michael Sangster, MBA, BSc (PT) – Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Terri Voepel-Lewis, PhD, RN – University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Gary A. Walco, PhD – Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA, USA
june 9 (Saturday) - 15 (Friday) Minneapolis
Children's Hospital and Clinic Minneapolis
2525 Chicago Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55404