november, 2021
04novAll Day06Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age and PGNA Conference 2021, Leura, Australia
Event Details
The RANZCP Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age and Psychogeriatric Nurses' Association Australia are holding a conference focusing on the theme of, 'New horizons of ageing'. The conference will present
Event Details
The RANZCP Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age and Psychogeriatric Nurses’ Association Australia are holding a conference focusing on the theme of, ‘New horizons of ageing’. The conference will present the process of ageing, causes of diseases along with the advances in medicine and technology to help certain conditions. The conference will be held in the beautiful Blue Mountains in New South Wales, Australia.
november 4 (Thursday) - 6 (Saturday)
Fairmont Resort and Spa, Blue Mountains
1 Sublime Point Rd