october, 2017
16octAll Day18CBT for Challenging Problems in Youth USA
Event Details
Event Details
Under the direction of Judith S. Beck, PhD, and led by Torrey Creed, PhD, this experiential workshop covers advanced techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy for children and adolescents, building on the skills in the fundamental CBT for Youth training to explore application and individualization for specific disorders. Topics covered include how to (1) develop an individualized cognitive case conceptualization for youths with OCD or other anxiety disorders or Autism Spectrum Disorder, (2) create a tailored treatment plan from early treatment through relapse prevention, (3) deliver specific, empirically based CBT interventions for individuals and for families, and (4) determine whether those interventions have been effective. Training focuses on therapy with clients between the ages of 7 and 18 with OCD or other anxiety disorders, or Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Completion of the fundamental CBT for Youth training is recommended prior to this training. The workshop features a special question-and-answer and role-play session with Dr. Aaron Beck. Participants are encouraged to prepare or have in mind cases for discussion or role-play.
Upcoming Dates
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Space is limited. Your registration and payment guarantees your space.
CBT for Challenging Problems in Youth
October 16 @ 8:45 am – October 18 @ 4:00 pm EDT$900 – Philadelphia, PA – Beck Institute
Can’t get here or the dates don’t work for you? Explore our online training programs.
Workshop Curriculum
Day 1: Overview of CBT for Children and Adolescents and the Cognitive Model
Day 2: Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions for Childhood Anxiety Disorders
Day 3: Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder through the Cognitive Model
Workshop Objectives
- Describe the transdiagnostic cognitive model and case conceptualization.
- Develop individualized case conceptualizations for children and adolescents with anxiety disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), trauma and trauma related disorders, and autism spectrum disorder.
- Apply the general cognitive model to plan individualized treatment for children and adolescents with anxiety disorders.
- Use cognitive case conceptualization to select and implement interventions tailored for individual children and adolescents with anxiety disorders.
- Tailor a treatment plan from early treatment through relapse prevention for children and adolescents with anxiety disorders.
- Apply the general cognitive model to plan individualized treatment for children and adolescents with OCD.
- Use cognitive case conceptualization to select and implement Exposure and Response Prevention interventions tailored for individual children and adolescents with OCD.
- Tailor an Exposure and Response Prevention treatment plan from early treatment through relapse prevention for children and adolescents with OCD.
- Apply the general cognitive model to plan individualized treatment for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders.
- Use cognitive case conceptualization to select and implement interventions tailored for individual children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders.
- Tailor a treatment plan from early treatment through relapse prevention for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders.
october 16 (Monday) - 18 (Wednesday) Philadeplhia
Beck Institute
Trevor Lane, Philadelphia