april, 2017
03aprAll Day05CBT for Youth USA
Event Details
Under the direction of Judith S. Beck, PhD, and led by expert Beck faculty, this experiential workshop covers the basics of cognitive behavioral therapy for children and adolescents with
Event Details
Under the direction of Judith S. Beck, PhD, and led by expert Beck faculty, this experiential workshop covers the basics of cognitive behavioral therapy for children and adolescents with depression and anxiety. Topics covered include how to develop a conceptualization based on the Cognitive Model, plan treatment, and deliver CBT interventions to children, adolescents and their families. Specialized techniques such as engaging in guided discovery, setting goals, examining Pros and Cons, and educating the family, are described and demonstrated for clients with depression and anxiety. Training focuses on therapy with clients between the ages of 7 and 18.
Workshop Curriculum
Day 1: Overview of CBT for Youth
Day 3: Case-Conceptualization-Drive Interventions
Workshop Objectives
- Describe cognitive theory, case conceptualization and CBT session structure.
- Explore and practice cognitive and behavioral interventions for children and adolescents.
- Discuss case conceptualization-driven interventions for children and adolescents.
- Create full case conceptualizations and select appropriate interventions from those learned in the workshop.
- Discuss content presented through a mix of didactic lecture, audio presentation of real cases, role play, group activities and practice activities.
- Utilize knowledge and ability of CBT with children and adolescents
- Construct a comfort level with cognitive and behavioral interventions for the types of youth seen at treatment setting.
- Use cognitive case conceptualization to select and implement interventions tailored for individual children and adolescents.
- Illustrate how to integrate CBT into treatment setting with children and adolescents.
Applicant Prerequisite
This course is appropriate for those with a beginner to intermediate level knowledge in the mental health or medical field.
Doctorate or master’s degree (or equivalent degree for practitioners outside of the US) in a mental health, medical, or related field. Core 1 Workshop recommended.
april 3 (Monday) - 5 (Wednesday) Philadeplhia
Hilton Philadelphia City Avenue