Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Psychosis: Randomised Controlled Trial
Shawyer F, Farhall J, Thomas N, et al. Br J Psychiatry. 2017 Feb;210(2):140-148. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.116.182865. Epub 2016 Dec 15. (Original) PMID: 27979820
During this trial of 96 people with psychosis, no group differences in overall mental state were identified between the 40 people who received Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and the 47 people who undertook a ‘befriending’ intervention. However, the former group did experience a greater improvement in positive symptoms and distress from hallucinations, suggesting ACT might have some value for people who experience psychosis. Further research is needed before it can be recommended as part of routine care for these individuals.