Long term effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy versus enhanced usual care for adolescents with self‐harming and suicidal behaviour
Mehlum, L. , Ramleth, R. , Tørmoen, A. J., Haga, E. , Diep, L. M., Stanley, B. H., Miller, A. L., Larsson, B. , Sund, A. M. and Grøholt, B. (2019)
J Child Psychol Psychiatr. doi:10.1111/jcpp.13077
This long-term follow-up study found that adolescents who received dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) engaged in less self-harm at 3 years than those who received treatment as usual. Other outcomes such as suicidal ideation, hopelessness, depression and borderline traits did not differ between groups.