This American website provides useful information about drug addiction, rehabilitation, and surviving sexual assault. It also holds details of drug rehab facilities in the US. Read more...
This website has a number of resources for families on normal childhood development and common mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, sleep problems, substance use problems, medically unexplained symptoms and learning pro...
Information for young people, families and health professionals about underage alcohol use from the American Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Information and resources on a range of mental health topics including anxiety, depression, bullying, alcohol abuse and self-harm. Devised in conjunction with researchers from Harvard University in the United States, this website offers specific in...
Information, advice, research and resources to help prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm and inspire New Zealanders to make better decisions about drinking alcohol. Includes interactive tools to calculate how much is safe to drink and how alcoho...
Strategies for parents to help deal with or protect their children or teenagers from anxiety, depression and alcohol misuse.