1Oct 17, 2023
New fathers who have experienced childhood maltreatment are at greater risk of parenting stress. The neonatal period may offer an opportunity to mitigate intergenerational effects on psychiatric vulnerability.
Granner, J. R., Lee, S. J., Bur...
2Jun 6, 2023
The subjective experience of childhood adversity is probably more relevant to the likelihood of mental health problems than objective measures of adversity. As such, it is possible that interventions targeting memory and cognitive processs related to...
3Oct 17, 2022
Despite concern from some quarters about the use of time out with traumatized children, this non-randomized controlled trial demonstrates that children known to have been exposed to adversity fared as well, if not better than others following parenti...
4Feb 26, 2021
Hiller RM, Meiser-Stedman R, Elliott E, Banting R, Halligan SL.
Young people who think more negatively about a traumatic event are more likely to have persistent symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms than those with the greate...
5Jun 23, 2020
Mavranezouli, I., Megnin‐Viggars, O., Trickey, D., Meiser‐Stedman, R., Daly, C., Dias, S., & Pilling, S. (2020). Cost‐effectiveness of psychological interventions for children and young people with post‐traumatic stress disorder. Journa...
6Dec 18, 2019
Bethell C,
Jones J, Gombojav N, Linkenbach J, Sege R. JAMA Pediatr. 2019;173(11):e193007.
There has
recently been a lot of discussion regarding the long-term physical and
psychological impact of...
7Dec 18, 2019
Blackmore, Rebecca et al. Journal
of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, December 2019
This review included eight
studies and almost 8000 children. The
authors found that adolescent refugees and asylum seekers are at i...
8Oct 22, 2019
Luby JL,
Tillman R, Barch DM. JAMA Netw Open. Published online September 18,
20192(9):e1911426. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.11426
Adverse childhood
experiences (ACEs) are known to be associated with later health problems. This study dem...
9Aug 27, 2019
I. , Megnin‐Viggars, O. , Daly, C. , Dias, S. ,
Stockton, S. , Meiser‐Stedman, R. , Trickey, D. and Pilling,
S. (2019), J Child Psychol Psychiatr. doi:10.1111/jcpp.13094
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10Jun 22, 2019
Karam, E.,
Fayyad, J., Farhat, C., Pluess, M., Haddad, Y., Tabet, C., . . . Kessler, R.
(2019). The British Journal of Psychiatry, 214(6), 354-360.
This study of
549 Syrian refugees demonstrated that early childhood advers...